Buy a Half, or Quarter Beef



Purchasing a Whole, Half, or Quarter Beef

Give “nose to tail” or “cheek to cheek” eating a try by purchasing a whole, half, or quarter (half of a half) beef. It’s a great way to learn about the various cuts and how to best to utilize them.

The supermarket would have you believe that some cuts are better than others; I disagree. Some cuts are easier to prepare – a tenderloin is virtually a no-fail cut. But beef heart or a rump roast can be amazing as well. It takes understanding of how to prepare various cuts, willingness to try something new, and an appreciation that each cut will have its own unique texture and flavor. A flank steak will never cut like a tenderloin, but many agree it has deep, rich flavor. The internet is a great resource for techniques and recipes that will work well with each cut. Check out the River Cottage website or Food 52 for great ideas.

Buying bulk will save you money, especially if your family likes steaks and roasts as well as ground beef. For farmers, it is a more efficient way to market and helps us avoid the conundrum of unbalanced inventory caused when the most sought-after cuts are sold before others. However buying a portion of a beef is not for everyone and there are several things to consider when deciding whether to purchase a whole, half, or quarter

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