Clipper Lighter

Every Clipper lighter is equipped with a tough nylon body and a replaceable flint; which means your washing machine will never tragically claim another lighter from you ever again. The only way you’ll lose one of these lighters is if you accidentally drop it in your couch or your roommate steals it (we’re watching you, David).
Clipper lighters are environmentally friendly, refillable, reflintable and feature a built in rolling tool. The flint wheel of the Clipper lighter can be removed and used to pack and poke your blend or taken apart to replace the flint of the lighter.

Every Order Includes: (1) Clipper Lighter
Born in the wrong era? Born in the RIGHT era? Want to show off your beads and fringe? These might be the lighters for you! These “Hippie” lighters definitely exude a mellow and very groovy vibe, from artwork featuring a VW bus, to the image of a very chill hippie-dude. Like other Clipper lighters, these also feature a removable flint housing for poking hand rolled cigarettes, and compressing the contents inside. Sold as a 4-pack


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