Searching for where to buy the well preserved and affordable lobster online, buy lobster in bulk,or frustrated about the stress of moving around in a crowded market just to get the best prices of lobster?Then look no further thangrond to get the best prices of fresh and edible lobster. On this website you can order for locally farmed lobster online and get the market price of lobster today cheaper than what you will pay in any market around you. At Grondzorglimburg, you can order for lobster for cost at the best prices and still enjoy the freshness.
On Grondzorglimburg you can get affordable prices of fresh, edible and low priced lobster for sale straight from the farm and delivered to your doorstep in any part of Belguim or abroad.
One cup of Northern lobster cooked using a moist-heat method contains only 129 calories. It’s a significant source of protein, containing 28 grams, or 16 percent of the daily recommendation, based on a 2,000-calorie diet, according to Protein is vital for healthy growth and development and also provides a significant source of energy. Lobster contains a negligible amount of fat, and no carbohydrates or fiber.
A single cup of lobster provides significant amounts of B vitamins, including 17 percent of the recommended dietary allowance of niacin, 13 percent of the RDA of vitamin B-6 and 9 percent of the RDA of vitamin B-12. These vitamins play vital roles in metabolism, neurological function, healthy skin maintenance and red blood cell formation. In addition to B vitamins, 1 cup of lobster also supplies 10 percent of the RDA of vitamin E, which is crucial to vitamin A and C absorption and the prevention of damage to cell membranes. Vitamin E is also a powerful antioxidant.